Vocabulary in software development we have learned this week:
Old School Development- create a spec, hire a developer to create the software, cry when you realize it's not what you want.
The Agile Approach - Very interactive between the developers and the users. Allows users to test and provide input along the way. Allows the stake-holders to prioritize features and attack the most important functionalities and then develop the “wants” later.
Apparently the Agile approach is well known and sounds aligned with our goals. This is so great on so many levels. Our hope is to post key user interfaces through this blog and have you test it, comment on it and help us create it.
With this approach the "conceptual spec" of old is in our hands to create. They have suggested screenshots with notes listing functionality, things we like and things we don't. While we vigorously pursue our own screenshots (we have an internal deadline of October 25th) we are asking you to send us screenshots too!
Send PDf screenshots to cpmsoftware@gmail.com